Clipon LED Board

To make slim, smart, eye-catchy clipon LED Board everything room decoration like that, stuff now technologies have been the advanced point of view lighting, space, fabrication has been advanced.

The standard size of clip-on led board A4, 1 ft x 1.5 ft. 2’x3′ these boards are made of led light and precise aluminium fabrication, as well as the laser cutting to get sharp.

Usually, used in the showroom, dining room, conference room and much indoor advertising area.

It has been a passion to see things smart and slim even that is living or nonliving when it comes to lighting board.

How a Clip-on LED Board is Made?

1. The maximum thickness of the clip-on LED board comes 10 mm, including complete lighting, frame with section board

2. inside 0.50 mm clear sheet, 5 mm thickness acrylic light spreading and 300 gsm trans light sheet comes with digital printing you can arrange the board looks like very smart and equivalent lighting inside Led circuit light is used that is very slim and high light.

3. To make smarter used nut and screw can be made powder coating, as well as colour accuracy, maximized for cutting machine laser power coated. To fabricate frame and making hole used aluminium as frame black and

These Clipon LED board used a photo frame in the house

How Long it Take Time to Replace a Photo in Clipon LED Board?

It is very easy to replace image time to time as used in promotion in season poster including discount, any offer, new coming product etc. just open clipon upside, remove printed slide and insert a new slide and close down clipon it takes total within 5 minute to change it.





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