While we are making a Flex Board, Glow Sign Board, Billboard, or Highway Hoarding, we required rigid materials to mount on it that can prevent windy air pressure and stay longer. There are a few important components of making a flex board, such as MS Pipe/Flex Fixing Bond, Iron Angel, Tublelight, GI Sheet, Pre-Coated Metal Sheet, etc.
People know flex boards with different names as well as Light Board, Glow Sign Board, Lighting Board, etc.
To Make Your Flex Board Frame Online Just a Click Away
What we do about flex banner printing services in Delhi, is mentioned below.
- We do print flex banner media a printed digitally with an infographic even if it is a Flex Banner for Hanging or Flex Light Board Fixing on the wall.
- Usually, for small sizes flex boards are made on ms pipe with a thickness of 1″x1″ and 1.25″x1.25″ and 1.5″x 1.5″ hollow, thicknesses are sufficient to withstand water and airy wind.
- Making a light board using ms pipe cost comes around Rs. 50-60 with strongness of a 5 kg M.S. length.
- MS Pipe fabrication to mount flex banner on it. A metal MS pipe stands out properly with hard pipe and where flex is pasted on it.
- Flex printing is a DIGITAL PRINTMAKING method even if it is solvent printing or eco-solvent printing. Do not require a printing setup time likewise Screen Printing and Offset Printing method.
- The flex banner or flex board price depends on the printing quality of the flex and the material (wood, ms pipe, angel) you are choosing.
- A larger size board required a stronger ms pipe.
- If you are not good at making flex designs just call 9211253015, and our flex design team will do it free of cost.
The affordability of flex weight holding depends on the thickness when it is placed outdoors. For outdoor billboards, there get pressure of air to have when the wind blows fast, and chances get increased to fall down the board.
Basic component for making a flex light Board
Flex Banner | Eye-let | MS Pipe | Wood | Stapler | High-Quality Flex Fixing Bond | Fixing an Iron angel on the wall for supporting a light board and Tubelight or LED Light to glow it if required.
Hoarding has a high capacity of is facing Rain, Wind, and Maintenance so it should be stronger, as usual, we need it.
When it comes to placing a hoarding on the roadside you also need to dig a hole and cemented it.
MS Pipe Frame vs Wood Frame Flex Board
MS Pipe Frame is highly recommended for quality flex board, even though the price is comparatively high compared to the wooden frame. Ms pipe frame flex board finish is much better than the wooden frame in terms of flex look-after finish and withstands a longer time. We highly recommended make your shop flex board and flex standee with an ms pipe frame.
Wooden Frame When it comes to fixing a flex board for a short period of time, I suggest going for a wooden frame mount flex on it, like a political event board, or social event. For mounting a flex on wood uses an iron pin using stapler pins. Bond does not make a bond between wood & flex media.
Difference Between Vinyl Banner and Flex Banner Media
Vinyl Banner
Common men do not understand the difference between vinyl banners and flex banner media. There is a huge difference between vinyl banner media and flex banner media.
- Vinyl is harder stuff you need to keep in roll form.
- Vinyl media comes with adhesive and nonadhesive both types.
- Mandatory to keep vinyl media flat or in roll-to-roll form.
- Comes with a very smooth surface.
- Expensive advertising materials compare to the flex banner media.
Flex Banner Media
- Flex banner media is a soft feel and touch.
- Easy to fold and handle while carrying do not require a tube to carry on.
- Flex media looks linear structure due to their making structure.
- Flex media’s upper side is thicker polyester coated which made it easy to adopt color.
Our Structure MS Pipe for Backlit Board
A double frame of ms pipe is the best and long-lasting solution for the light board. To make your light board stronger we keep the gap between pipe to pipe of 2.5 fits each side. These pipe gauges are 18 and 16 which are too hard to bend it. Usually, made it has a thickness of 6″-8″ that scattered a flight equivalent from inside.
The backlit media used is double-coated for high-quality infographics to glow off-distance.
When it comes to the front flex frame you may keep a gap of 3 fit each side. There is not enough weight on the flex board so 3-4 fit space is sufficient for a front-lit frame.
Types of MS pipe for signage
These pipes are available in the form of ROUND, SQUARE, and RECTANGLE forms used in various types of signage likewise canopy, adjustable exhibition banners, etc.
Tips to stand out flex board ms pipe even in windy air
- Use a higher gauge pipe.
- Get a hole in the flex area, not informational content pasted on. These holes made it easy to pass the air easily and ms the structure safe.
- Get external support from the base and cemented it.
- Do electrical welding in place on gas welding.
The capacity of holding flex weight, size, and air pressure depend on MS Pipe strenght used as well as 5 kg, 8 kg or 13 kg weight, the calculation is considered the standard length of 20 fit length contains weight.
The thickness stands for MS Pipe is based on the weight in kg for 20 ft in length. Overall Billboard is used outdoor have to keep in mind affordable to hold the pressure of wind below. For small size banner as like 4’x6′ required not more than 3/4″ to 1″ Dia. You can make the paint on it if you required the color you wish.
Generally, the small banner stand comes in ready to use 24×7 hrs with a handy kit
How to get a ready-made backdrop stand click here
How to select MS pipe for flex banner printing?
While making a structure of a board we use a folding frame that makes it convenient for logistics. joint of both pipe with male and female section
Self-standing flex board
Needed a solid base to stand out a flex board firmly choose ms pipe wider base is the best option. it would be better to make a painted that lost a long time.
Difference between flex and banner media
Flex is a more flexible media that can be folded multi-time and can track it own earlier shape as well as.
Banner media is not foldable if it is folded it can’t retract our old shape. it is kept always in the roll form.
Flex Board MS Pipe Fabrication
Huge signage required a flex with the mess to pass air through the mess to reduce the air pressure to stand out properly even it is the storm. Low gauge ms pipe can be weld with gas more thickness MS pipe required electric welding.
Usually, flex banner comes in roll form with a thickness of 220 gsm t0 350 gsm. to determine how many kg weight your flex banner is to fix on ms pipe fabrication simple following formula is
L x W x GSM/3100/500=KG, where L stands for length in inch and W for Width, GSM is the thickness of the flex
If you want to find the weight of the sheet you can Click Here. Here you can get very specific details in a very simple and easy language.
Easy to measure MS pipe strength
These pipes come in the form of weight and pipe thickness known as a length of 20 feet linger by weight wise.
Alternate of MS pipe for Flex Board
For small size, wood can be used for making a flex board, in place of ms pipe, it is cheaper stuff compared to ms pipe but there is some drawback as the fitting quality is inferior compared to ms pipe.
Types of MS pipe used in the Signage Industry
There are huge uses of in the signage industry. Either it is round shape, square, rectangle, square, etc.
- Canopy and Adjustable Backdrop stands are made of the ROUND SHAPE of MS pipe to make more attractive and safety form rust it is powder-coated.
- For Small Size Frontlit Flex Board and Backlit Flex Board 3’x5″, 4’x6, 10’x4′ etc highly used square size of ms pipe like 1″, 2″, 3″ etc.
- When it comes to making a Billboard or Hoarding on the highway or roadside need very strong, rectangular ms pipes used for it.
Structure of MS Pipe
The ms pipe used for the flex board is made of hollow and in black color. available in the size of 20 feet long.
Flex light board Price
There are many factors involved when it comes to the price of flex light board like the quality of flex materials, using light out there. overall, a flex light board price comes Rs. 375/- per square fit.
Best quality MS pipe maker brand for Flex board
Bhushan | Jindal | TATA is most popular in this space.
Tips to enhance for light board frame life
- To make long stable your flex board frame before fitting you need to paint on the ms pipe that makes safer from the RUST.
- Use a thicker MS pipe.
Frontlit Flex Board vs Backlit Flex Board
There is a huge difference point of view prices, and materials used in and there uses
Frontlit Flex Board no required to fix the light, the material used thickness is 280 gsm to 300 gsm, Used less quantity ms pipe or wood
Backlit Flex Board needed tube light or LED to glow, flex materials used above 500 to pass light blowout, It is kind of a box covered all size from the flex, GI Sheet, and Side Pre-Coated high gauge sheet.
Online Flex Board Designing Website
There are so many websites where you can make your flex board design the way you wish some of them are PRINTSTOP, CANVA, CIRCLE ONE FLEXIPRINT, and BANNERSNACK
If you are no professional designer you can design an eye-catchy banner at no cost.
What Does MS pipe stand for?
MS pipe stands for MILD STEEL that means there is a low quantity of card in the iron that is countable 0.75 of % in IRON.
What is the cost of wood per square fit for making a flex board?
1.5″x1″ thickness or wood cost Rs. 20 per running ft. and 2″x2″ thicker cost Rs. 35 per running fit.
What is a glow signboard?
A display board usually, hangs over the shop contain informaton of the brand, shop name and you deal with product, etc. That glow in the night called glow signboard.
What is the price per kg of MS pipe?
The price of MS pipe depends on the brand name in this niche, you will get Rs.40 50/- per kg.
What is the basic element of installation charges?
- Labour Charges. 2. Iron Angle 3. Fastener 4. GI wire 5. Welding Machine Charges. 6. Board Transportation Charges. 7. Scaff Folding Charges 8. Iron Nail 9. Nut & Screw, if needed etc.
These are the basic equipment we required to fixing aboard,
Can use the re-use MS pipe for making a light board?
Yes, you can re-use. Make sure you have to remove properly old pasted flex and make it rust-free for pasting a printed flex. A fixing bond does not support a rusted ms pipe. The best thing is to make a rusted ms pipe free from rust 1. Rub it by force rag mark. 2. Paint it.
Is installation cost-free, from making a flex light board?
Absolutely no, there are many factors involved before I could rate for it. 1. Location to be install 2. Position to be hung or fixed 3. Materials of to hand or fix cost etc. So the installation cost is totally separate from making cost. The installation cost is based on the visit to the location.
How can we transport a flex board from your factory?
There are a few ways we deliver you, light board
- A small board is prepared ready to install on the site you can pick it up and install it at your end.
- If it is a bigger size to carry out inconvenient, point view of permit a longer board, we print and fabricate at my factory and dismantled it in small part and re-installed at your destination.
Is the installation cost apart from the board making cost?
Sure, Installation costs vary from a destination to another destination likewise it maybe 12 feet height above, 25 feet height and complicated location, etc. So installation cost depends on the location to be installed aboard.
How to fabricate and joined MS pipe for making a flex light board?
There are mainly 2 way to joint
- Gas Welding
- Electric Welding
Gas Welding MS pipe low gauge ms pipe as well as 12, 14, 16, and 18 can be weld.
Electric Welding thicker ms pipe joint done with electric power for harder joint.
To fix up about MS Pipe Fabrication query click here
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