INSTANT PVC Identity Card Printing
Election Identity Card, Aadhaar Card, Health Card, Vehicle Registration Card, Driving Licence Card, Corporate Business Identity Cards etc. are made worldwide use size 85mm x 54mm as well as Credit Card, Debit Card and Club Member Card that fits best in the wallet and pocket.
These smart cards are made for various purposes such as security, identity, data storage, and special privilege purpose. According to the worldwide survey each person has at least 4 PVC smart cards. A PVC card could be in the form of a credit card, debit card, and employee PVC identity card whatever is issued by a government or any institution.
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“A smart PVC card thickness comes with a 0.3 mm, wide 85mm x length 86mm with round corner, the same size as well as credit card, both side colored printable surface, made of Flexible Poly Vinyl Chloride or Polyvinyl-PET Sheet. PVC cards may have a chipset, magstripe, or plain card. These cards are used for various purposes such as safety, photo identity, and data embedded.”
There are two types of PVC cards
Each types of identity card which uses are unique by itself.
Plain Identity Cards are used for photo, identity it could be school, institute, club member etc. Usually details of the card holder and issuing organization details get printed high quality infographics directly on the both side printable surface. Printed can be done with edge-edge printing on the PVC card.
These card are the best use for Aadhaar Card, Health Card, E-shram Card, School or College ID, BPO, KPO Corporate required a huge demand of identity card for the sake of company security and integrity. It also encourages the employee to work better in their secured environment and also help to get entry sooner. Identity Card Printing is incomplete without the Cardholder and Lanyard Printing
Chip/Magstrip cards are used for data based used in financial it may have with photo and without. It could be in the way. Credit card and debit are the best example. Card holder details are less printed over it and sensitive data is encrypted with password and hard to replicate it.
Best Uses- Debit Card, Credit Card, Club Member Card, etc.
Proximity Card, when it comes to high security concern area as well in Hotel, Highy Security Region, Defence and Commercial Activity Complex used as a key card and these cards are also known as RFID CARDS (radio frequency identity). These cards issued to the only authorized person that regeon as well as employee, admin staff and guest etc. Activity of using RFID card are monitered through installed electronic device.
Gathering information of key card user have capacity to read data of your key card 50 meter 100 meter from the installation point and monitored employee or guest entry and exit times etc. These electronic device is operated by bettery powered controlling. These device help to protect security of vulnerability and safety.
Parents demands more security from the organization and ask for GPS enabled identity card that can be tracked in caused something going the wrong location wise.
Best Uses – Hotel Key Card,
PVC card printing required a software to place design and printing content on the PVC card to manage on the aspect ratio. No required to get print out whent it comes to DIGITAL PRINTING through inkjet printer and thermal printer. There are different types of PVC printing application.
Digital printing application is costly but can be done within a few minute and other printing application are very cheap but it takes longer time and get printed in the groups of card.
- Sublimation Heat Transfer Printing
- Thermal Digital Printing
- Inkjet Digital Printing
Each types of PVC card printing quality and durability are diffrent.
Material Required : Computer Device, Power Supply, Inkjet Printer, Sublimation Paper, Heat Proof Tape, Plain PVC Card and Heat Press
Any types of colorful graphic and text based content can be printed. The technology of printing dye-sublimation is that choose a artwork from computer device and get a mirror print out from the sublimation inkjet printer. Place printed paper face on polymer coated PVC card and apply heat & press through flat heat press machine for a specific time of period and keep it up to 60 second all the data printed on the paper has been transfered on to the pvc card.
The drawback of this application is PVC cards are low heat resistance and lead to bend. The whole process of dye sublimation pvc card printing is done within 10-15 minute only.
Short term used likewise School ID, Temporary Employee Card etc. Best use for 1-2 years.
2.1 Thermal Heat Transfer (Digital Process)
thermal pvc card printer
Equipmments Required : Plain ID Card, Computer Device and Thermal Digital PrinterÂ
When it comes to printing Aadhaar Card, Pan Card and Health Card, digital thermal printing is the best method of id card printing. It takes a hardly 5-7 minute to finish card printing. You just need to feed plain pvc card and arrange digital id card file into the software and commond it single side or dual side printing application.
2.2 Inkjet Printer (Digital Process)
Equipments Required : Plain ID Card, Inkjet Printer, Computer Device & Power Supply
These printers are powered by CYMK inkjet printer, CYMK, LM and LC inkjet printer are more quality PVC card printer, just place a plain id card on specific inkjet printer tray and send digital file through software your card printing will get 5-7 minute a card and let them dry for a little time. In this process you can get print edge to edge content printing.
EPSON L805 is the best Inkjet Identity card printing machine.
3. PVC Card Fusing Machines
Rawmaterial You Required – Teslin Sheet, Inkjet Printer, Sheet Cutting, ID card Dye Cutting Machines, HeatproofÂ
PVC card fusing machines
When it comes to make a huge number of PVC card as well as Student ID, Corporate Business to finish ID card printing project in a short period of time using fusing PVC card making machine is good practice. WIth in fifteen minute you can make a 100 of PVC card.
An Identity Card Without Lanyard is Incomplete
Keep an Identity safer required a YOYO, lanyard and Frame
Cheapest Identity Card Printing
As well as my concern, i don’t recommond but people use a hard paper print front and back keep thermal lamination and cut into the size. During high or low temperature atmosphere paper release the lamination and it come damage into two parts.
Difference between PVC and PVC-PET Smart Card
Short Term Used – (Temporary Identity Card)
When it comes to
A1 (100x68mm)
A2 (106x82mm)
A3 (115x92mm)
B1 (102x65mm)
B2 (126x79mm)
B3 (126x95mm)
B4 (155x106mm)
Importance of Identity card Printing
1. An easy way to improve who you are if required.
2. Identify among member with your designation able to work.
3. Identify your age and blood if happening something wrong.
4. Helps from unauthorized persons.
Safety from most of all identity card made of paper and laminated both sides. well, sharp cut edges make a good impression.
Chipset Identity Card
printing this types of the card used for some internal information for security purpose made to prevent fraud and texts are embedded through software not visible content easy to access of each employee accountability and make a better relationship between employee and employer.
Choose the 5 Best Smart ID card Printer
Q. How to make a creative identity card printing?
Ams. A Corporate Identity Card tells much more about you and your organization without telling a single word it keeps full information of employer brand name, logo, and employee personal information such as name, designation, age, blood group with user term and conditions etc. and give the good impression of your organization. While making the design have to keep in mind the Company Logo and it’s Brand prominent and information in the safe area that helps to give an attractive look.
How impressive your identity card looks it depends on the layout of identity card and info-graphics as you know the standard size of identity card size is 2.15×3.25 inch as well as credit card/debit card size, thickness 30ml, materials nonbreakable. Before digitization identity card made through screen printing but now you can get a print high resolution 1200 dpi.
Q. Where to get print my photo id card neary by me?
Ans. Shivani Enterprises is an in-house photo id card printing shop and it is opened 24×7 hrs, We facilaite digital thermal (reel) and inkjet printing machines. Thermal heat printer do not required group of card to be printed at a time.
Q. How much does a photo id card printing cost?
Ans. The cost of a photo identity card depends on the quality of material used and printing application. There are plain identinty card, chip based and proximate card.
- No. card to be printed as well as in school, college, corporate
- Corporate and institution demand photography onsite
Overall, each PVC card printing starts Just Rs. 100 or onward.
Q. How much time does a PVC card printer get?
Ans. It depends on the types of PVC card printing application you are using. Usually, it takes 5-10 minutes if your print file is ready to print.
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